New Charter, Design & Expansion Proposal To Be Submitted to NYSED in 2016

In July 2015, submitted a Letter of Intent to the SUNY Trustees that outlines our proposal for a new charter that will incorporate an expanded growth and evolved design of our current school model from a K-5 elementary school to a K-12 ‘university’, through a merger with the nonprofit The Anew School. The new charter will be called “Ember Charter School”.

On July 16, 2015 we were informed that our evidence of community outreach was insufficient and would not be asked to continue on in the process. We will continue to seek public comment and input and shall seek to resubmit our letter of intent in December 2015.

After submitting a Letter of Intent to SUNY for a second time, we were told that while our community outreach was sufficient, our desire to seek a merger was not an appropriate request under their RFP and thus our Letter of Intent was rejected. It is clear from our follow up conversation with the SUNY Charter School Institute that our innovations were not in alignment with the kind of schools they are looking to authorized. Going forward we plan to apply for a charter from NYSED Board of Regents when they release their 2016 RFP.

For more information, including the approximate date of new launch (August 2016/2017); intended location (CSD 16); target population (primarily low income and historically underserved); proposed grades and enrollment (K-12); as well as our revised mission and description of academic program, please download the file below:

Ember Charter School NYSED LOI 2016

DRAFT Ember-Charter-School-Letter-of-Intent-and-Proposal-Description-Dec-2015

Ember Charter School Letter of Intent and Proposal Description (July 2015)

An updated draft letter of intent will be uploaded when it becomes available. Comments & feedback on the charter proposal, design, educational program, student programmatic needs, etc., are welcomed on an ongoing basis! Please email comments & feedback to, or call 718-285-3787.

Comments are closed.